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Most Common Dog Health Problems

Posted on May 22 10

Dogs are nothing but faithful companions, providing guidance and being our go-to source for comfort, loneliness, and just becoming a part of ourselves. The lovely beings wait around all day only to be excited when you show up at the door. Even though they can not speak, letting their actions do all the talking. The fact that they cannot convey their emotions and feelings to us makes them dependent upon us for their well-being.

When our furry friend is not well, it can change the environment of the whole house and affect the mood of every individual, regardless of their age. The more time we take to recognize the symptoms of commonly incurred problems, the harder it is for the dogs, increasing the severity of the diseases, which can cause irrecoverable harm in some instances. Caring about pets is essential. It is without a doubt an absolute necessity for pet owners to educate themselves about the conditions and various dog-related health problems. According to the study conducted by animal medicines, 84% of the pet owners took their dogs to a vet within the tenure of 12 months. Among those individuals, most of them visited the veterinarian doctor more than two times a year. It was also deduced during the study of 804 dogs that health-related problems and injuries were the third most common reason for these visits.

Symptoms Of Sick Dogs

Canine beasts can share their feelings. It falls upon us to decide whether these non-speaking creatures need our help. The only way to truly help them is by paying attention to the signs, and here is what the most common symptoms include.

  • Decrease in overall Energy levels.
  • Unusual behavioral changes.
  • Excessive Thirst, or production of saliva.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Unusual and Excessive vomiting
  • Fever
  • Decrease in food consumption or loss of appetite.
  • Reluctance to mobility.
  • Changes in the frequency of the defecation: Size, shape, and the number of times they urinate.

The intensity of the diseases and injury will differ from dog to dog, and different cases require different levels of care and attention. While it`s important to recognize the illness and injury, taking a prompt and visiting the doctor is necessary. Get your schedules aligned right now if you see any of the following issues.


A cataract is the most commonly occurring disease in dogs, regardless of breed and size. A recent study conducted by various professionals (international Journal of science and environment) shows that one in every two dogs suffers from this disease. If not treated in the right way, it can cause permanent impairment of vision.

A cataract is an opacity in the eyes. Most owners have a hard time detecting the diseases and are only able to tell when they see their dogs bumping into furniture in the house. 

This is mostly an inherited disease. However, diabetes and trauma can also trigger cataracts in dogs.


The condition refers to the weakening of bones and joints, which cause pain every time they move when the joints rub on each other. One in every five dogs suffers from this painful disease. Moreover, the condition persists commonly in dogs of older age. While joints are natural to wear and tear over time, the pain that comes along knows no bounds.

The causes of arthritis include aging, traumas to joints, an old injury, and congenital disorders, which are the most common reasons for arthritis. It is important to avoid any food with wheat or soy rice, which can fluctuate blood sugar levels and cause swelling and inflammation. You can refer to a vet to avail yourself of the best possible, as only with their recommendation can you opt to go for surgery or refer to medications. Dogs being reluctant to do much, change in activity level, inflammation, and swelling are the early signs you should pick on before it gets too severe for your dogs.

Gastroenteritis(Stomach Inflation)

Gastroenteritis refers to an increase in the size of the stomach, and intestines, commonly referred to as the Gastrointestinal tract. This is a pretty common condition in dogs, and the sign can be seen in the excretion of the dogs.

The phenomenon usually occurs when there is a change in the food brand your dog is not used to eating. Often dogs lick stuff off the roads and walls causing them consumption of parasites and bacteria, which in most instances leads to Gastroenteritis.

Look for large watery stools, small feces, blood spots in feces, pain in the abdomen, and frequent bowel movements.

Ear Infections

Outdoorsy and dogs with long ears tend to suffer more from this problem than their other kids.

Your dog often plays in the grass and dirt, and one thing or the other is bound to get stuck in the ear. Often planting seeds or something of a similar sort causes the issue in which dogs can feel irritation in the ear during the initial phase and eventually infect it.

Try noticing the unusual pawing towards the ear area or shaking their heads. The skin might start to appear crusty if the infection has been there for a while and causing an unpleasant odor as well.

You can try zymox to cure the infection and make a habit of cleaning dog years regularly.

Kennel Cough

If you just got your pet from an animal shelter or were in a place with lots of dogs recently, then there is a higher probability of your dog suffering from kennel cough. This is a contagious disease that relies on air droplets and contaminated surfaces. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to avoid this from happening. But even though it sounds bad, it is just as common in dogs, just like flu and cold for us, and nothing life-threatening.

However, It is best to take care of your dog and provide them with water and food. Getting some effective vet recommended medications is one way to take care of this. In serious scenarios, we recommend visiting a doctor.